Full Blood
White Dorpers
Full Blood White Dorpers
We have a small Full Blood White Dorper flock that we raise for stud animals! They are carefully selected for their ability to thrive on forage, prolificacy, parasite resistance, slow and correct foot growth, and their ability to shed. We have fullblood genetics from Axtell Quality Dorpers, Yucca Lilly, Twin County, Crane Creek, Ida Vale, and Kaya. For a sheep to sell through our breeding program it must pass at least 3 of the 5 requirements. This is considered a 3 star sheep and can be bought for our base price. For each additional star that a sheep has, there is an additional cost of $500. Example: A 3 star ram is $700 and a 5 star ram is $1700. A first time ewe cannot produce a 5 star ram since she has not yet proven prolificacy.

This is our patriarch ram we call The Tank. He was one of the eighth set of twins his dam had. He has good length, is fully shedding, he's never been dewormed or had his feet trimmed. His pedigree has Crane Creek, Idavale, and Kaya. He is what we consider a 5 star ram and his lambs show it.

This fine young ram has Twin County, Grant, and Carter Farms in his background. He is out of a very nice 5 star ram and will have his first set of lambs on the ground by June of '24.

This is a nice TJ Dorpers Ewe from a Axtell Quality ram. She had a nice set of twins, her first lambing. Has excellent milk capacity and good mothering ability.

Here is an example of her excellent mothering skills.

Here are some more of our white dorper ewes. Notice the low quality pasture they are thriving on.

Here is an excellent example Tank's ability to pass on his size and excellent quality. These are one month old Full Blood twins.

A set of Full Blood White Dorper Twins